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In-store Water Testing

Maintaining your pool’s chemical balance is possibly more vital than you realise. Not only is it inconvenient to keep bringing your levels back from zero or accidentally overdosing your pool, it is also costly. Therefore, we recommend taking advantage of our water testing service.

If you are in need of professional pool water testing to guide the maintenance of your pool moving forward, then you have come to the right place. Drop in with a sample today and we will be sure to guide you in the right direction.

Here at Taree Pool Supplies, we use the very latest in pool water testing technology. The Lamotte Waterlink Spin Diskâ„¢ test kit and the software are incredibly accurate and fast so you get reliable results without having to wait.

Our highly trained and experienced staff have dealt with just about every conceivable water chemistry issue. The test takes about 2-3 minutes, it comes with a full printout of current water conditions and treatment recommendations.

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